Peet and I love to travel, and camping has always been one of our favourite ways of exploring our beautiful country and continent. We have been camping for twenty years. When searching for the ideal camping spot our criteria has always been secluded and basic. Amélie’s birth changed that completely. Determined to keep camping, we found ourselves searching for camping sites that were baby and toddler friendly. Unfortunately we had no idea what made a camping site a good choice for parents with a baby, nor did know what we needed to take along. Thank goodness for great friends that have been camping with little ones for quite some time. With their advice in mind, we booked a camping site that was baby friendly, packed our trailer, and undertook our maiden camping trip as parents of a four-month-old baby. In the days and hours leading up to our trip my apprehension grew. By the time we stopped at our camping spot I was sure we had made a mistake. But the next few days were surprisingly wonderful. We quickly discovered that camping with a baby is much easier than we expected.

As there are a few long weekends and school holidays in sight it is time to start planning a trip or two, and autumn is the perfect time to go camping. Here are a few tips that make camping with a little one a lot easier.

If, like my husband and I, you have been camping for many years (but only been parenting for a short while) and you have always chosen more distant, less crowded parks in the past, I am here to convince you to change your ways. For a year or three you might want to change that criteria. While Amélie is still young we have decided to stick to parks closer to home so the trip does not start on a sour note, stuck in traffic or on the road for hours with an unhappy camper in the back seat.

Camping with little ones is all about location, location. Most parents, that offered us advice, all agreed that when booking a camping site enough shade and grass is non-negotiable.  If your little one is still a baby, a safe and well-maintained play area might not seem important, but it sure is a godsend when camping with a toddler. Everyone agreed that a heated swimming pool is a definite plus when deciding where to camp with little ones. Many parents mentioned that they loved the peace of mind camping sites with fenced pool areas afforded them.

Happy camping mom and dad!


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