A plastic-free fridge? It is possible! And this is how.

One of my goals for this year is to keep my fridge as plastic free as possible. Making your fridge plastic-free does take time and effort, but I have learned that a few small changes to your shopping habits already make a huge difference. Add a few storage tweaks, and before you know it, you […]
Have yourself a plastic-free Christmas

Most holiday decorations are cute for a year or two, and then they end up on our landfills. Homemade decorations are a great alternative to plastic decorations. I have been playing around making a few homemade decorations. Here are my five favorite handmade decorations. They are all low waste, eco-friendly, and they cost little to […]
Reflecting on our plastic free July.

I can’t believe we’ve come to the end of our Plastic free July. The challenge we set ourselves for this month may be over, but the changes we have made in our home and lifestyle will remain. We have experienced and learnt so much.Here are our 5 big takeaways from our plastic free July: 1. […]