Raising Eco-conscious kids
I truly believe that teaching our children to take responsibility for our planet’s well being is one of the most important tasks we as parents have. If we want to raise our children to be Eco-conscious adults one day, we as parents need to start living Eco-consciously now, because children learn what they live. The […]
Celebrate a mindful and merry Christmas
Be present It has been a long year and most of us can’t wait to disconnect. And although it is important to take some time for yourself – whether it is taking a long walk alone or some time out to pray or meditate, being present with your loved ones is also important. When spending […]
Coming to terms with a lost pregnancy
I have hesitated for a long time whether to share this part of my story, because it is just that – my story. So, what changed my mind? Firstly, a dear friend of mine suffered a failed pregnancy yesterday. And I was reminded of how lonely that journey can be. Secondly, I realized that we […]
That ‘blah’ feeling…there’s name for it: It’s called languishing
The third wave of covid 19 is upon us. Many of us have either contracted the virus, have had to self-isolate or have someone close to us struggling with covid19. Just the other day a friend asked me how I was feeling? The question caught me off guard. I just could not seem to put […]
Thinking about life: Self-care matters
Perhaps like me you find practicing self-care difficult. Between a full-time job, writing, a busy household and some other endeavours, me-time is usually last on my agenda. And when I do take some time out for myself, I end up feeling guilty about it. During a spa treatment with a friend a few weeks ago […]
How do you see the world?
How do you see the world? Have you ever thought about it? I mean, through which lens do you perceive the world? According to the American scholar and theologian, Marcus Borg, there are three lenses through which we can look at the world: hostile, indifferent, or gracious. The hostile and indifferent lenses If you see […]