Toothpaste tablets – the pros and cons

Yes, toothpaste now comes in tablet form. No more squeezing or complex tube origami to get the last smear of paste out. Toothpaste tablets are not only easy to use, but also more eco-friendly than there tubular counterpart. Here’s everything you need to know about them. What are toothpaste tablets? Most toothpaste tablets are technically […]
Eco-friendlier lunch boxes

Back-to-school means packing lunch boxes. Honestly I find the daily grind of packing a lunch box challenging at the best of times but trying to do it creatively and sustainably can leave you feeling utterly defeated. If like me you are already feeling a little lunch box tired – I’ve got your back. While there […]
Sustainable & Carbon Cautious Gift Ideas for Kids

Toys end up in landfills and incinerators each year as kids outgrow their once prized items. I was shocked to read that a whopping 80 percent of toys end up in landfills, incinerators, and in our oceans where they often endanger marine life. Discarded plastic toys are part of the 14 million tons of plastic that find its […]
Ideas for throwing an Eco-friendly kid’s party

If a big black rubbish bag is a birthday party essential, then it might be time to rethink how you celebrate your kids’ birthdays. Planning an eco-friendly kid’s birthday party might take a little extra effort and planning, but by making the extra effort you can celebrate your little one’s milestone today while minimizing the […]
Shampoo bars – everything you need to know

Let me introduce you to one of the best eco-friendly swaps you can make – the shampoo bar! Shampoo bars are a solid form of shampoo usually made from a blend of raw or plant-based ingredients like oils. Why swap? According to a report published a few years ago British consumers threw about 13 billion […]
Raising Eco-conscious kids

I truly believe that teaching our children to take responsibility for our planet’s well being is one of the most important tasks we as parents have. If we want to raise our children to be Eco-conscious adults one day, we as parents need to start living Eco-consciously now, because children learn what they live. The […]