Ten uses for lemons around the home

When life gives you lemons, you can do a whole lot more with them than just make lemonade. Lemons are the superwomen of fruit. From a special sweet treat, to cleaning your home or amplifying your beauty routine…lemons are wonderfully versatile. When most of us think of lemons we think in terms of cooking or […]

5 South African Natural Deodorants Reviewed

If the thought of swapping your deodorant or antiperspirant for an all-natural version makes you perspire – take a deep breath. A few years ago natural deodorants would’ve been viewed as a hippy marketing ploy, but today more and more people are vigilant about what’s going into and onto their bodies.  Why natural deodorants? In […]

Greening Your Bathroom

5 Easy Eco-friendly swaps for your bathroom If you are wanting to take a few steps to a more sustainable home and lifestyle, your bathroom is a great place to start. Most of the products and toiletries we use are wrapped in plastic, single-use or disposable, and many of them can’t be recycled. So introducing […]

Eco-friendlier lunch boxes

Back-to-school means packing lunch boxes. Honestly I find the daily grind of packing a lunch box challenging at the best of times but trying to do it creatively and sustainably can leave you feeling utterly defeated. If like me you are already feeling a little lunch box tired – I’ve got your back. While there […]

Revamping your nursery sustainably

With Amelie turning three in two months time, we thought it was time to revamp her nursery into a toddler’s bedroom. On the one hand we wanted her bedroom to be a comfy haven for her to play and sleep in. And on the other hand we wanted the update to be as sustainable and […]

Ginger and Turmeric Chickpea Stew

If you are wanting to include more plant-based meals into your everyday cooking, this recipe is a great place to start. It is wholesome, easy to make and contains no foreign or exotic ingredients. I accidentally stumbled upon it while browsing Instagram and I have a feeling it is going to become a favourite in […]