Ten uses for lemons around the home

When life gives you lemons, you can do a whole lot more with them than just make lemonade. Lemons are the superwomen of fruit. From a special sweet treat, to cleaning your home or amplifying your beauty routine…lemons are wonderfully versatile. When most of us think of lemons we think in terms of cooking or […]
Shedding 500 things

‘Getting rid of 1000 things’ is an interesting TED talk I recently stumbled upon. In this short motivational talk Liz Wright explains why she got rid of 1000 things and the difference the project made in her life. I found her story so inspiring that I decided to attempt my own little project of getting […]
Eco-friendlier lunch boxes

Back-to-school means packing lunch boxes. Honestly I find the daily grind of packing a lunch box challenging at the best of times but trying to do it creatively and sustainably can leave you feeling utterly defeated. If like me you are already feeling a little lunch box tired – I’ve got your back. While there […]
Revamping your nursery sustainably

With Amelie turning three in two months time, we thought it was time to revamp her nursery into a toddler’s bedroom. On the one hand we wanted her bedroom to be a comfy haven for her to play and sleep in. And on the other hand we wanted the update to be as sustainable and […]
Ginger and Turmeric Chickpea Stew

If you are wanting to include more plant-based meals into your everyday cooking, this recipe is a great place to start. It is wholesome, easy to make and contains no foreign or exotic ingredients. I accidentally stumbled upon it while browsing Instagram and I have a feeling it is going to become a favourite in […]
Why buying second hand clothing is a good idea

I was shocked to learn that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. In the USA alone, the average person throws away 37 kg of clothes every year, 85% of which is dumped into landfills or burnt. According to Ocean Clean Wash more than 60% of our clothes consist […]