Practices for a sustainable kitchen

The kitchen is the place where our friends and family gather to share stories, emotions, litres of coffee and home-cooked meals. It truly is the heart of our home. But it’s also the room in our home that generates the most waste. So one of my New Years practices is to do all I can […]
10 Tips for an Eco-Friendlier Back-to-School

The new school year is here, and that means that stocking up on back-to-school supplies and planning for the new school year is on the to-do-list. According to a British website 1.6 billion pens ended up in UK landfills in 2018 alone. That’s a lot of plastic! As we edge closer to the beginning of the […]
Shedding 500 things

‘Getting rid of 1000 things’ is an interesting TED talk I recently stumbled upon. In this short motivational talk Liz Wright explains why she got rid of 1000 things and the difference the project made in her life. I found her story so inspiring that I decided to attempt my own little project of getting […]
Celebrating a more intentional and Sustainable Easter

Easter is one of my favourite times of the year. Personally it is a time to think about God’s goodness and grace as well as recognize my own vulnerability. Ultimately Easter is a time to celebrate the gift of life. Although I love celebrating Easter with bunny-shaped chocolates, colourful eggs, and Easter egg hunts, I […]
Revamping your nursery sustainably

With Amelie turning three in two months time, we thought it was time to revamp her nursery into a toddler’s bedroom. On the one hand we wanted her bedroom to be a comfy haven for her to play and sleep in. And on the other hand we wanted the update to be as sustainable and […]