Decluttering my mind

‘Life is hard’, Scott Peck wrote in his book, The road less traveled. In my attempt to declutter my life I have come to realized that we sometimes make our lives even harder, by entertaining routines, habits, social commitments and even relationships that do not contribute to our well-being. If Covid19 taught me anything it is […]
Coming to terms with a lost pregnancy

I have hesitated for a long time whether to share this part of my story, because it is just that – my story. So, what changed my mind? Firstly, a dear friend of mine suffered a failed pregnancy yesterday. And I was reminded of how lonely that journey can be. Secondly, I realized that we […]
Thinking about life: Self-care matters

Perhaps like me you find practicing self-care difficult. Between a full-time job, writing, a busy household and some other endeavours, me-time is usually last on my agenda. And when I do take some time out for myself, I end up feeling guilty about it. During a spa treatment with a friend a few weeks ago […]
How do you see the world?

How do you see the world? Have you ever thought about it? I mean, through which lens do you perceive the world? According to the American scholar and theologian, Marcus Borg, there are three lenses through which we can look at the world: hostile, indifferent, or gracious. The hostile and indifferent lenses If you see […]