Why buying second hand clothing is a good idea

I was shocked to learn that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. In the USA alone, the average person throws away 37 kg of clothes every year, 85% of which is dumped into landfills or burnt. According to Ocean Clean Wash more than 60% of our clothes consist […]
Vegan cookies: Almond butter cookies

These almond butter cookies are crumbly and delicious. They are perfect for a quick Saturday morning bake. Put the kettle on – you’ll will want a cup of coffee or tea with them. You will need: 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour, spooned and leveled 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (Bicarb) 1/4 teaspoon baking powder […]
Synthetic sponges – friend or foe?

I recently read an article that recommends you replace your synthetic kitchen sponge every week to avoid spreading harmful bacteria growing in the pores of the sponge. Should one follow this advice that means 48 disposable sponges, that take roughly 58 years each to decompose, end up in landfill sites every year. It seems to […]
My favourite homemade cleaning products

Although making your own cleaning products might be a little more time consuming than simply going to the store, it is worth the extra effort. Here’s why: Better for your health Our biggest mistake as consumers is to assume that just because cleaning products are readily available at most stores they are safe to use. […]
Meatless Monday #9: Leek and Potato soup

I crave two things when it rains – to visit a European city, and soup of course. Making this Leek and Potato soup this afternoon I could not help reminiscing about a particularly good French onion soup topped with a slice of baguette and melted Provolone and Gruyere cheese. I remember it as if it […]
Ten simple ways to save water in your home

I remember how shocked I was when I first read that only a small percentage (about 0,3 -0,5 percent) of the water on earth is usable by humans. The rest is in oceans, soils, icecaps, and floating in the atmosphere. And much of the small percentage that is usable, is unattainable. “The earth, the air, […]