10 Tips for an Eco-Friendlier Back-to-School

The new school year is here, and that means that stocking up on back-to-school supplies and planning for the new school year is on the to-do-list. According to a British website 1.6 billion pens ended up in UK landfills in 2018 alone. That’s a lot of plastic! As we edge closer to the beginning of the […]

Celebrating Christmas just a tad more sustainable

As much as I love a beautiful Christmas tree and table, I can no longer ignore the negative effect our traditional Christmas celebrations have on our planet. So, this year, I have been on the look out for more sustainable alternatives. Here are my favourite ideas and products. Have fun with indigenous flowers and materials […]

Conscious Christmas Gift Guide for Kids for 2023

According to Catherine Jacoby, Marketing Manager at Toys R Us, there is an interesting toy trend this year. Parents and children are looking for stress-relieving toys that transcend age, like LEGO, role-playing games and dollhouses. Keeping this in mind, as well as the fact that a whopping 80 percent of toys end up in landfills, […]

Shedding 500 things

‘Getting rid of 1000 things’ is an interesting TED talk I recently stumbled upon. In this short motivational talk Liz Wright explains why she got rid of 1000 things and the difference the project made in her life. I found her story so inspiring that I decided to attempt my own little project of getting […]

Greening Your Bathroom

5 Easy Eco-friendly swaps for your bathroom If you are wanting to take a few steps to a more sustainable home and lifestyle, your bathroom is a great place to start. Most of the products and toiletries we use are wrapped in plastic, single-use or disposable, and many of them can’t be recycled. So introducing […]

Butter bean curry

One of my favourite winter dishes, well actually I will eat it in the middle of a heatwave as well, is Butter Chicken. So you can imagine my excitement when I came across this Butter Bean curry. It tastes like a Butter Chicken Curry, but without the chicken and is perfect for those cold Meatless […]